New member
- 2024/02/17
- 8
- 0
[ 杂项 ]
[ MISC ]
- 当按下两个攻击键并在短时间内松开时,投掷物会以50%的力量投出
- 修复了游戏内打开暂停菜单后机器人头像重新加载错误的问题
- 修复了demo录像中上一回合按钮的行为
- 修复了无法清除游戏设置中按钮绑定的行为
- 提升了遥测显示HUD元素的性能
- 使“夜间模式”音乐合集音量标准化
- 改进了稳定性
[ MISC ]
- 50% throw-strength grenades are now guaranteed if both attack buttons are held long enough then released within a short time from each other
- Fixed in-game bot avatar images not reloading correctly after pause menu was opened
- Fixed behaviour of previous round button during demo playback
- Fixed inability to clear a button binding in game settings
- Improved performance of telemetry display HUD element
- Normalized volume of NIGHTMODE music kits
- Stability improvements