New member
- 2024/02/17
- 8
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[ 动画 ]
[ MAPS ]
- 修复了攀爬梯子时的动画。
- 修复了装备界面探员挥舞电击枪的问题。
- 修复了在队伍介绍中手持廓尔喀刀的动画。
- spec_lock_to_accountid和spec_lock_to_current_player命令现在可用于解说/观察者。
- spec_player和spec_goto现在可以在CSTV和demo回放中工作。
- TV_secure_bypass服务器设置现在允许将HLAE观察者连接到VAC安全CSTV服务器。
- 在死亡竞赛中,每次出生都能购买电击枪。如果不在随机武器模式,电击枪会被重新购买。
- 在死亡竞赛中,在一次生命中获得第二次电击枪击杀时将获得双倍积分。
- 当回档或者错误使用了战术暂停而不是技术暂停时,可使用服务器端命令mp_modify_timeouts增加/减少CT/T队伍的战术暂停。
- 现在热身开始和热身结束将在游戏服务器日志中产生日志消息。
- 游戏服务器日志记录伤害时不再有舍入误差。
- 当客户端帧率低或不稳定时,改善了视图模型动画的平滑性。
- 修复了基于扫描码的按键绑定实现问题,绑定现在独立于输入区域。
- 新增了HUD元素的性能诊断,可以在游戏设置菜单中配置(“遥测”)。
- 修复了没有连接Steam的情况下有时无法连接到本地练习服务器的问题。
- 修复了竞技比赛结束时段位动画的问题。
- 修复了狙击枪瞄准镜的性能故障,调整了视觉处理。(增加了鱼眼效果)
- 各种性能改善。
- 修复了B点空调室外机附近的投掷物碰撞模型。
- 修复了T出生点立柱的碰撞模型,以防止C4可能被扔到不可及处。
- 调整了通风口入口附近的碰撞模型,以防止玩家的脚部穿过。
- 改善了铁板下门网格的碰撞。
- 在 T 出生点附近添加并移除了梯子。
- 修复了几个炸弹被扔到地图外的地方。
- 碰撞模型改善。
- 修复了一些消失的网格。
- Fix for animations when climbing ladders
- Fix for menu agents wielding tasers
- Fix for Kukri knife hold animation during team intro sequence
- spec_lock_to_accountid and spec_lock_to_current_player commands are now available for casters/observers
- spec_player and spec_goto now works in CSTV and demo playback
- tv_secure_bypass server setting now allows connecting HLAE observers to VAC secure CSTV servers
- In Deathmatch, the Zeus can be bought each life and will rebuy if not in random weapon mode
- In Deathmatch, getting a second Zeus kill in the same life will earn double points
- mp_modify_timeouts server-side command allows adding/subtracting a tactical timeout from CT/T team if backup file is restored or a team incorrectly took a tactical timeout instead of a technical timeout
- Start of warmup and end of warmup will now produce a log message in the game server log
- Reported damage no longer has a rounding error when reported in the game server log
- Improved viewmodel animation smoothness when client framerates get low or unstable
- Fixed issues with implementation of scancode-based key bindings. Bindings are now independent of input locales.
- Added performance diagnostic HUD element that can be configured in Game Settings menu ("Telemetry")
- Deleted cq_netgraph and cq_netgraph_problem_show_auto. Instead, use cl_hud_telemetry_serverrecvmargin_graph_show.
- Fix for sometimes failing to connect to a local practice server without Steam connectivity
- Fixed a bug with Skill Group animation at the end of competitive matches
- Fixed sniper scope performance hitch and adjusted visual treatment.
- Various performance improvements
[ MAPS ]
- Fixed grenade clipping around AC unit at B-site
- Fixed clipping of pillar at T-Start that would potentially allow bomb to be thrown into unreachable area
- Adjusted clipping around Vents entrance to prevent players' feet clipping through the vent geo
- Improved collision of sliding door meshes at Ramp
- Added and removed a ladder near boost spot by T spawn
- Fixed a couple of spots where bomb could be thrown out of the map
- Clipping improvements
- Fixed some disappearing mesh